by Viktor Lanneld

Bike signage


Apex New

Vicky Trouerbach

From a brief by the Norrköping municipality to increase biking and the safety of bicyclists, locals and tourists alike, in the city this concept was concieved.

The concept evolves around destination cubes – illuminated signage structures that besides providing directional and spatial information also acts as placemakers and easy-to-spot targets for cyclists.

Bike signage for City of Norrköping by Viktor Lanneld and Vicky Trouerbach Bike signage for City of Norrköping by Viktor Lanneld and Vicky Trouerbach

All signage are designed to not be obstructive or distracting in their surroundings while still being easy to find and legible from 15 metres and on the move. The cubes are supported by fingerpost signs that show the route to nearby cubes and other popular destinations.

Bike signage for City of Norrköping by Viktor Lanneld and Vicky Trouerbach

Custom pictograms used on all signage.

Bike signage pictograms for City of Norrköping by Viktor Lanneld and Vicky Trouerbach

In total there are ten cubes placed strategically in the city centre of Norrköping. They are placed in close proximation to landmarks, infrastructure and intersections. The system could easily be extended to cover a larger area.